3677 Hwy 326
Kountze TX, 77625
Want to get involved ?
We are always looking for motivated individuals and families to help us move towards our goals of providing forestry and agriculture learning opportunities for the kids in our community. Meetings are held second Sunday of the month at 6 pm. Below you'll find a QR code and link to our membership application. All applications will be processed the day of the meeting. This is a volunteer ran organization, please allow time for the volunteers respond to inquires.

The membership dues is $25 per person. If you or your family wish to utilize the open arena when it is not in use for an event there is a extra $25 charge for the family.

Want to host an event at one of our facilities? Rental fees vary depending on the facilities and support requested. Use this form to request more information.
Other Useful Documents
Meeting Agendas
Missed the last meeting? Here is the agendas of what we talked about.
April 2022
May 2022